
14 May 2013

To Access Data from Multiple Operating Units from a Single Responsibility

Each user can access, process, and report on data only for the operating units assigned to the MO: Operating Unit or MO: Security Profile profile option

The MO: Operating Unit profile option only provides access to one operating unit.
The MO: Security Profile provides access to multiple operating units from a single responsibility

Note: If the MO: Security Profile is set, then the MO: Operating Unit profile is ignored.

Access to Operating Units:
Your responsibility determines which operating units you can access when you use Oracle Applications. If you want a responsibility to access only one operating unit, then
set the profile option called MO: Operating Unit. If you want a responsibility to access multiple operating units, then define a security profile with multiple operating units
assigned and assign it to the MO: Security Profile profile option. Additionally, if using the MO: Security Profile profile option, you can also set the MO: Default Operating Unit
profile option to specify a default operating unit that will default in transaction entry pages

It is correct to enable MO: Security Profile to have access to multiple operating units from a single responsibility

01 April 2013

Possibility to link Preventive Maintenance (PM) Meter reading with Discrete Manufacturing Process in Oracle EAM (R12)

There isn't a synchronization between PM Schedule and duration time (or resource usage time) in finished Discrete Jobs

The PM Schedule is based on the entered meter readings (manually in Meter Readings form or by interface).  Usage rate (defined for meters) is used for PM Schedule calculations until the number of entered meter reading is less than "Number of Past Reading". After that, system calculates usage rate based only on entered meter readings

Difference Of Service Request And Work Request In Oracle EAM

You can probably implement your business flow using either way: Service and EAM Work Requests even there are differences between them. The main difference is that agents can view work orders created in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management related to the service request, but the life cycle of the work order is not in any way tied to the service request life cycle. Closing work orders tied to a service request does not close the service request and vice-versa. This is not the same when using work requests

Other differences: Normally, SRs are used when maintaining instances owned by customers while WRs are used when maintaining own asset numbers. we can use approval workflow for WRs and not for SRs. Using SRs you need to create a repair order then to generate work orders while using the WRs, the WOs are generated directly

18 March 2013

Google Map in Oracle EAM (GIS Integration)

Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system for storing, analyzing, managing and presenting digital data such as geographic features present on the Earth's surface using spatial references. Some of the GIS solutions available in the market are ESRI, Google Maps, Oracle Spatial, etc.

A Geocode (Geospatial Entity Object code) is a representation format of a geospatial coordinate measurement used to provide a standard representation of an exact geospatial point location on the earth. For example, the format (41°54'12"N, 87°37'35"W) indicates latitude, longitude of a unique location on earth.

Latitude gives the location of a place on earth north or south of the equator. Lines of Latitude are the horizontal lines shown running east-to-west on maps. Latitude is given as an angular measurement ranging from 0° at Equator to +90° at North Pole and -90° at South Pole. An example of a latitude in DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) format is 41°54'12"N

Longitude is the east-west geographic coordinate measurement. Longitude is given as an angular measurement ranging from 0° at the prime meridian to +180° eastward and −180° westward.
An example of a longitude in DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) format is 87°37'35"W

Release 12.1.1 enables GIS Integration using web based source map viewer of Google maps and provision is given to allow assets/ instances to be geocoded so that they can be spatially located on the map viewer. All item instances, i.e. EAM Assets and OAT instances are eligible to be geocoded and viewed in the Asset map viewer
Release 12.1.1 provides ability so that item instances can have a provision to capture their geocodes i.e. Latitude and Longitude. This can be done either manually through a mass data entry page or automatically through an API.

In Enterprise Assets Maintenance, users can search for any EAM assets using simple/ advanced search, enter geocodes for the assets using the 'Mass Geocode Entry' form, then locate the resulting asset on the map viewer by invoking the 'Map All' button. Alternatively, users can navigate to the Asset details page and locate the particular asset on the map viewer.

When a user selects any asset icon on the map viewer, details such as Asset Number, Description, Asset Group, Owning Department, Asset Location and Geocodes are displayed in a pop up. Also, hyperlinks are displayed for performing the following actions:
1. View asset details page
2. Create work request
3. Create work order
4. View open work requests
5. View open work orders
6. View Graphical Asset hierarchy.
When user selects any of the above actions, the page control is transferred to the appropriate tab in EAM responsibility with the context of the asset number selected. All other details corresponding to the selected asset number are defaulted when the page is rendered

Setup Steps

To enable the GIS Integration using Google Map feature, follow these instructions:

1. Set the following profile options:
  • (R) System Administrator
  • (N) Profile > Systems
    • 'CSI: Mapviewer Name' = Google
Profile value can be set at any level.
    • 'CSI: Google Registration key'
This profile hold the complete registration key (license key) for the Google Maps and can be set at any level
    • 'CSI: Google Map Client ID'
This profile hold the client ID for the licensed copy of

27 February 2013

"Asset Group" at inside the Oracle eAM

The word “Asset Group” trips out many people and remains a clearly un-answered question for range of Oracle users including technical consultants and business end users. explaining the Asset Group to different user groups is challenge, particularly when it comes to linear assets,For better clarity on the data model of the eAM Asset Group
Objective of this blog is to explain how an Asset Group relates to the key data objects within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. These relationships are very important to consider while deciding on eAM Asset Groups for an organisation,Please take a look at following diagram that illustrates the direct and indirect links between eAM Asset Groups with other objects

  1.  eAM Attribute Groups are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the assigned attribute groups.
  2. eAM Activities are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the assigned activities.

03 January 2013

Asset Warranty in Oracle EAM

There is no automatic action/functionality included with Assets warranty in Enterprise Asset Management.
Field Warranty Status is a lookup code with no values seeded

Field Warranty Active can be set when creating work orders via EAM self service page (values

Yes/No). This field also has no validation in the application. Is just a reference field

Field Warranty Expiration Date can be set on the Asset number definition form or self service (OAF) page. It is also not affecting the system in any way. It is also just a reference field

In other words, even you see some fields which point to warranty, in fact none of these fields are affecting the application in any way. They are just reference fields in order for you to take necessary actions (manually),

So there is nothing to turn on based on current application functionality

What I could suggest to you as workaround is to create your own warranty details based on Asset attributes descriptive flexfields(DFF)

At least we can track warranty information for Assets somehow in this way but not for components (Spare parts) used for maintenance, this functionality is currently not available in EAM 

(Version R12.1)

'Asset Route' Cost Will Distribute Equally in Oracle EAM

Reason for the equal distribution of Asset route cost to its associated Asset numbers are explained at here

1. According to the new design costs no longer reside in the route asset...Instead it will get distributed to the member assets, even if you have a work order for the route asset. 
For example : 
You had a work order for the route asset, Costs for this work order will get distributed to the member assets for the route
When you look at Work Order Value Summary form, you look at costs for a particular work order...Hence in the work order value summary form, you are able to see the costs for the work order 
However in Self Service, you see Costs for an asset...According to the new design the route asset would not hold any cost.It will get distributed to its member assets.Hence route asset does not show up any cost

However if you search for costs for each of the member assets, then you will be able to track the cost of the work order, for the route asset

2. For Asset Routes.Asset route is a logical asset and costing of asset route works as below -
During the transaction processing, costs are accumulated to the A/c's in the asset route work order wip accounting class. Till the closure of asset route work order , these costs would be accounted in the WAC of route work order only.After closing the Asset route work order, these costs would then be actually distributed to each of the member asset wip accounting class variance accounts.

02 January 2013

A Roadmap For Fusion Application

Thanks to the International Oracle User Council, we have an implementer’s view of the Fusion Roadmap. The roadmap is interactive, and each aspect of the roadmap leads to specific content for that area.