
27 February 2013

"Asset Group" at inside the Oracle eAM

The word “Asset Group” trips out many people and remains a clearly un-answered question for range of Oracle users including technical consultants and business end users. explaining the Asset Group to different user groups is challenge, particularly when it comes to linear assets,For better clarity on the data model of the eAM Asset Group
Objective of this blog is to explain how an Asset Group relates to the key data objects within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. These relationships are very important to consider while deciding on eAM Asset Groups for an organisation,Please take a look at following diagram that illustrates the direct and indirect links between eAM Asset Groups with other objects

  1.  eAM Attribute Groups are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the assigned attribute groups.
  2. eAM Activities are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the assigned activities.
  3. eAM Meter Templates are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the meters that are part of the assigned meter templates.
  4. eAM PM Schedule Templates are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the PM schedules that are part of the assigned PM Schedule Templates. Same goes with PM Suppression templates.
  5. Bill of material are defined at eAM Asset Group level only. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group share that bill. Although the effectivity of a particular bill component can be limited to one or range of eAM Asset Numbers the process of maintaining that effectivity control can get quite cumbersome.
  6. Routings are defined at eAM Asset Group level only. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group share that routing.
  7. Quality Plans are assigned at eAM Asset Group level. This can be done right at the eAM Asset level as well, but the data management can get complicated and over burden.
  8. eAM Failure Sets are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the failure sets, there by the failure codes, causes, etc.
  9. Documents (or links) can be attached to the eAM Asset Group that can be shared across the related eAM Assets. although this is not a major advantage it just helps to simplify the management of attachments

When it comes to deciding on the asset groups, although the Oracle eAM documentation states the Asset Group is simple as the combination of Make and Model of the assets, in reality it’s a tough decision to make. The Oracle EBS shouldn’t be overloaded with too many unneccessary asset groups, same time the seeded functionalities of eAM can be comprehensively used. The consultants and business process owners needs to work closely to get the balance right.


  1. How other people have addressed the requirement of share Asset Hierarchy by 2 different EAM Orgs?
    Business Case:
    Corporation ABC has 2 Business Lines (Departments) that perform maintenance operations on the same equipment but they don’t want to see the Work orders, Activities, PM, or any transactions from each other, the only thing that they share is the Asset Number (Location), ex: XRay Room
    Business Line A (EAM Facilities ORG) will do the following Activity xRay Room:
    - Painting Room
    - Floor Repair
    - Windows Repair
    - Door Repair
    - Etc…
    Business Line B (EAM BioMed ORG) will do the following Activities at xRay Room:
    - Install New BioMed Equipment
    - Etc…

  2. How other people have addressed the requirement of share Asset Hierarchy by 2 different EAM Orgs?
    Business Case:
    Corporation ABC has 2 Business Lines (Departments) that perform maintenance operations on the same equipment but they don’t want to see the Work orders, Activities, PM, or any transactions from each other, the only thing that they share is the Asset Number (Location), ex: XRay Room
    Business Line A (EAM Facilities ORG) will do the following Activity xRay Room:
    - Painting Room
    - Floor Repair
    - Windows Repair
    - Door Repair
    - Etc…
    Business Line B (EAM BioMed ORG) will do the following Activities at xRay Room:
    - Install New BioMed Equipment
    - Etc…

    1. Try the Maintenance user workbench if you are in R12

  3. Thanks. Nice artical and blog post.
    What's the best level to set Asset groups at?
    function - Mechanical, Electrical or instruments
    Asset Tpe - Pump, valve, motor etc

    if you've set the asset group for an asset is it posible to change it?

    1. Stephen, you should consider the make and model of the asset when you decide on Asset group, usually Asset BOM will be prepared according to the manufacturer's recommendation, if you plan your asset group with make and model, it will be very helpful when you define BOM and other activity

      Once you define a asset under particular Asset group, you cannot change it later. But you can deactivate the asset and you have to create a new one as you wish, instead you cannot change the Asset group for existing one. So better decide the level of your asset group before define any asset.

      Best of luck!

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