
27 February 2013

"Asset Group" at inside the Oracle eAM

The word “Asset Group” trips out many people and remains a clearly un-answered question for range of Oracle users including technical consultants and business end users. explaining the Asset Group to different user groups is challenge, particularly when it comes to linear assets,For better clarity on the data model of the eAM Asset Group
Objective of this blog is to explain how an Asset Group relates to the key data objects within Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. These relationships are very important to consider while deciding on eAM Asset Groups for an organisation,Please take a look at following diagram that illustrates the direct and indirect links between eAM Asset Groups with other objects

  1.  eAM Attribute Groups are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the assigned attribute groups.
  2. eAM Activities are assigned to a particular eAM Asset Group. ie, all eAM Assets belonging to that eAM Asset Group inherit the assigned activities.